Not Just A Label -Condé Nast International, 2018

In case you don't know, I am part of an amazing community, NJAL (Not Just A Label)and their main goal is to "discover and support pioneers in contemporary fashion".

I really admire the founder's vision (Stefan Siegel)to revolutionize the fashion world!!!

"Since 2008 the NJAL platform helps designers to gain exposure in the fashion industry[...] by reflecting the modern face of fashion and supporting thriving artists outside of the major fashion capitals. 
NJAL gives designers a platform where they can connect with a global audience and showcase their designs from anywhere in the world. [...]

NJAL encourages designers to produce fashion that is sustainable and supports local communities and artisanal craftsmanship. NJAL has pioneered a revolutionary approach to the fashion industry, outside of politics and the tired existing systems that are detrimental to the growth and integrity of its designers.

[...]NJAL is proud to pioneer a website development model that promotes collaboration, transparency and shared innovation and supports the idea that innovation is best done in an open way."
(From NJAL website)

Stefan Siegel has been invited to present a keynote speech at this year's Condé Nast Luxury Conference in Lisbon, 18-19th of April:

Hosted by Suzy Menkes, who has chosen 'The Language of Luxury ' as the theme of the summit.

Stefan wanted to share the stage with as many NJAL designers.
The objective was to allow the designers to have a voice.They have chosen a pre-selected group of designers and invited us to be part of this year’s Conference.


To see the whole inspiring and provocative speech of Stefan Siegel and to read more about it, click HERE! It is really worth it!!!!

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